Dear Internet Friends,
Tonight I wanted to write a real quick post on an experiment I’m conducting. I’m still struggling to find a traction channel for promoting my personal finance app, MoneyPhone, so on a whim I decided maybe I should try answering some questions regarding the topic of personal finance on Quora. To my surprise the site actually has a pretty decent Personal Finance / Budgeting section with many recent unanswered questions on the topic. And since I’m actually using MoneyPhone successfully to solve my own personal finance and budgeting problems, I decided to answer a couple of questions suggesting the OPs try my app. Not sure if my answers will get any views, or result in any downloads, but it’s worth a shot right?
So without further ado, here are the links to my two answers:
Your Friend Topher
UPDATE (8/3/2019): I woke up the day after posting my two Quora answers and found that Quora moderators had deleted one of my answers. I sort of assumed that this would be a possibility considering they need to make money from people looking to market/advertise on their platform. However, I don’t think its a very good policy as I was ready to start spending money on their platform to promote some answers but have now changed my mind. Really, it was quite unnecessary. They easily could just push answers from marketers down the page unless they pay to push their answers up to the top. O well! On to the next traction channel.