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- Configure Nginx as a web server and reverse proxy for Nodejs application on AWS Ubuntu 16.04 server
- Deploying Express.js website to VPS with Nginx, PM2 and Ubuntu 18.04
- Setting up Express with nginx and pm2
- How to run node.js server with Nginx
- How To Set Up a Node.js Application for Production on Ubuntu 16.04
- Production best practices: performance and reliability
- Deploying NodeJS using Express with NginX and Let’s Encrypt
- Installing Express/Nginx app with SSL using Certbot on Ubuntu 18.04
- Node.js Express Nginx
Working with the most advanced student at our school tomorrow and need to post a few references for our lesson, deploying an expressjs app to production. While the above 9 tutorials are pretty good, it looks like this 10th and 11th tutorials from DigitalOcean is probably the best:
- Getting started after deploying NodeJS
- How To Set Up a Node.js Application for Production on Ubuntu 18.04
And one last tutorial you’ll need to get NGINX setup and configured properly: