Pong in Python vs. Pong in JavaScript: Battle of Introductory Game Dev Tutorials

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Battle of the introductory game dev tutorials by myself and my student “Squitato” =>

# Copyright (c) 2018 Peter Kwak (Edited by Chris Pedersen)
# This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
# For more information, please refer to <http://unlicense.org/>
import turtle
# Create Game Window
screen = turtle.Screen()
# screen.setup(500, 400)
screen.screensize(500, 500, "black")
# screen.addshape("Paddle.jpg")
# Create Ping Pong Ball
ball = turtle.Turtle()
# Create Left Ping Pong Paddle
paddle1 = turtle.Turtle()
paddle1.shapesize(4.5, 1, 0)
# Create Right Ping Pong Paddle
paddle2 = turtle.Turtle()
paddle2.shapesize(4.5, 1, 0)
# Create Scoreboard
scoreWriter = turtle.Turtle()
# Set Ball Trajectory
rise = 3
run = 3
# Set Score
score1 = 0
score2 = 0
# Create Function Which Will Move Player 1's Paddle Up
def up1():
paddle1.sety(paddle1.ycor() + 50)
# Create Function Which Will Move Player 1's Paddle Down
def down1():
paddle1.sety(paddle1.ycor() - 50)
# Create Function Which Will Move Player 2's Paddle Up
def up2():
paddle2.sety(paddle2.ycor() + 50)
# Create Function Which Will Move Player 2's Paddle Down
def down2():
paddle2.sety(paddle2.ycor() - 50)
# Create Function To Update Scoreboard
def updateScoreboard():
global scoreWriter
global score1
global score2
global ball
myFont = ("Arial", 40, "bold")
scoreWriter.goto(-100, 150)
scoreWriter.write(score1, font=myFont)
scoreWriter.goto(100, 150)
scoreWriter.write(score2, font=myFont)
ball.goto(0, 0)
# Set Event Listeners
# These event listeners will listen for button presses (up, down, etc.)
screen.onkey(up1, "w")
screen.onkey(down1, "s")
screen.onkey(up2, "Up")
screen.onkey(down2, "Down")
# Create Main Game Loop (Simulates Time, Keeps Game Running)
while True:
# Move Ball
ball.goto(ball.xcor() + run, ball.ycor() + rise)
# Detect Top or Bottom Boundary Strike
# (Reverses the Ball's Direction of Travel)
if ball.ycor() > 200 or ball.ycor() < -200:
rise = -rise
# Detect Paddle Strike (Player 1)
# (Also Reverses the Ball's Direction of Travel)
if abs(paddle1.xcor() - ball.xcor()) < 15:
if abs(paddle1.ycor() - ball.ycor()) < 50:
run = -run
# Detect Paddle Strike (Player 2)
# (Also Reverses the Ball's Direction of Travel)
if abs(paddle2.xcor() - ball.xcor()) < 15:
if abs(paddle2.ycor() - ball.ycor()) < 50:
run = -run
# Detect When A Player Scores a Point
if ball.xcor() > 250:
# Increment player1's score by 1 point when his ball
# travels past the paddle of his opponent, player 2.
score1 = score1 + 1
ball.goto(0, 0)
elif ball.xcor() < -250:
# Increment player2's score by 1 point when his ball
# travels past the paddle of his opponent, player 1.
score2 = score2 + 1
ball.goto(0, 0)
# Christine, My Super Sweet AI Goes HERE...
if ball.ycor() > paddle2.ycor() + 25:
paddle2.sety(paddle2.ycor() + 15)
elif ball.ycor() < paddle2.ycor() - 25:
paddle2.sety(paddle2.ycor() - 15)
view raw pong.py hosted with ❤ by GitHub

NOTE: For the PongJS demo, you will need to manually install p5.play.js as it is not available via CDN =>

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/0.9.0/p5.js"></script>
<!-- NOTE: Must Download and Install p5.play.js Manually, it is not available via CDN -->
<script src="p5.play.js"></script>
<script src="pong.js"></script>
view raw pong.html hosted with ❤ by GitHub
//pong clone
//mouse to control both paddles
var paddleA, paddleB, ball, wallTop, wallBottom;
var MAX_SPEED = 10;
function setup() {
createCanvas(800, 400);
paddleA = createSprite(30, height/2, 10, 100);
paddleA.immovable = true;
paddleB = createSprite(width-28, height/2, 10, 100);
paddleB.immovable = true;
wallTop = createSprite(width/2, -30/2, width, 30);
wallTop.immovable = true;
wallBottom = createSprite(width/2, height+30/2, width, 30);
wallBottom.immovable = true;
ball = createSprite(width/2, height/2, 10, 10);
ball.maxSpeed = MAX_SPEED;
paddleA.shapeColor = paddleB.shapeColor =ball.shapeColor = color(255, 255, 255);
ball.setSpeed(MAX_SPEED, -180);
function draw() {
paddleA.position.y = constrain(mouseY, paddleA.height/2, height-paddleA.height/2);
paddleB.position.y = constrain(mouseY, paddleA.height/2, height-paddleA.height/2);
var swing;
if(ball.bounce(paddleA)) {
swing = (ball.position.y-paddleA.position.y)/3;
ball.setSpeed(MAX_SPEED, ball.getDirection()+swing);
if(ball.bounce(paddleB)) {
swing = (ball.position.y-paddleB.position.y)/3;
ball.setSpeed(MAX_SPEED, ball.getDirection()-swing);
if(ball.position.x<0) {
ball.position.x = width/2;
ball.position.y = height/2;
ball.setSpeed(MAX_SPEED, 0);
if(ball.position.x>width) {
ball.position.x = width/2;
ball.position.y = height/2;
ball.setSpeed(MAX_SPEED, 180);
view raw pong.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub
