How to Post Source Code on a WordPress Blog

Okay, so over the past few days I’ve been working on moving my blog over from to a virtual private server on DigitalOcean powered by the open source WordPress software. The reason behind the move is that I wanted to install a plugin for posting source code on my WordPress blog, something that was actually much harder than I would have ever thought. However, to install the necessary plugin, Automattic (the parent company of wanted to increase my monthly plan from $4 a month to $25 a month! Pretty steep hike right?

Well I’m finally wrapping everything up with the move, and wanted to write this quick post to take my new SyntaxHighlighter Evolved WordPress plugin for a spin! Hint: if you don’t know what the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin is, it’s what you need to install on your WordPress server to easily start posting source code on your blog:

    echo "<p>hello, world</p>";
