If you happen to have visited my blog before, you know I love to bookmark stuff here. So I just wanted to bookmark another wonderful site so I can find it in the future: visiondirect.co.uk
For some time now I’ve been buying all of my glasses and contact lenses online. One of the great benefits of this is avoiding the Luxottica glasses monopoly here in the United States that is wildly driving up the price Rx glasses. Another great benefit of purchasing your glasses online is that you don’t have to pay a doctor to write you a new prescription every year! What a racket that is!
I believe the most well known online glasses dealer, Warby Parker, requires you to submit a valid prescription. So I personally use 39DollarGlasses.com which does not require a valid unexpired prescription. However, I always have a hard time remembering who to use for contact lenses (that doesn’t require a valid unexpired prescription). After a little digging through my Gmail it looks like I last used visiondirect.co.uk, so that’s who I am ordering through right now as I type (in a different tab of course).
$33.56 (or £25.97 GBP) for three pairs, boom, done! Who knows how much that would have cost going to the doctor. Big shout out to Vision Direct & 39DollarGlasses.com!